Most people aren’t a fan of anything with more than four legs, and spiders tend to rank at the top of that list. While some of this dislike is unearned, and many spiders are actually beneficial to their ecosystem, it is also true that certain spider bites can be uncomfortable or even dangerous. That said there are many things that may cause blisters, rashes or bumps. Here are five signs that a spider was the real culprit.

1. Small Fang Marks

It is possible with some spider bites to actually see two little puncture marks. While other bugs might leave similar marks – bed bugs in particular are known for leaving two little punctures near each other, like vampires – these double marks are one indication that it was a spider and not a flea or other insect that caused the bite.

2. A Depression Under The Surface Bite

If you can feel that there is a deeper depression underneath the surface bite, then it might indicate that a spider is to blame. Their venom can cause ulcers and infection, so rather than just the raised bump you would get with a mosquito bite, there will be more going on under the surface.

3. Regional Symptoms

Different spider bites cause different symptoms, but luckily there are usually only one or two venomous spiders in any given region. Anyone who suspects they’ve been bitten by a spider should look up which ones inhabit their particular corner of the world and see if the symptoms for those particular bites line up with theirs. For example, someone who has a bite with red rings around it in Texas may be right to blame the brown recluse spider. In New York, however, it may be the yellow sac spider causing this effect. In the Pacific Northwest, a hobo spider may be to blame. Regardless, if your symptoms do not line up with the symptoms of your local venomous spider, chances are it was another insect entirely.

4. Eliminate Other Aggressors

While spiders are scary to many people, other insects can actually be more deadly. The same bull’s eye mark that is left by some spiders can also be left by a tick bite, which can carry Lyme Disease. Before blaming spiders, take a good look at your surroundings and see if fleas, bed bugs, ticks, mosquitoes, or other biting insects can be found in the area.

5. Cramps, Headaches, Or Other Ill Effects

Many venomous spider bites not only cause distress or itching at the site of the actual bite, but can cause a variety of other full body symptoms. Anyone who starts to feel short of breath, have stomach cramps, sweat excessively, develop a large rash, or come down with a headache after a suspected bite should get themselves to a doctor, just in case. While deaths from venomous spiders are rare, they are not impossible.

With all that being said, non-venomous spiders can keep the overall insect population down and can therefore protect households from more dangerous pests. As frightening as they are, they are also generally peaceful and interesting animals. Before panicking at the site of a harmless daddy-long-legs, pick up a copy of ‘Charlotte’s Web,’ place a phone call to Mr. Pest Control for spider control services, and remember that most spiders are more scared of people than people are of them.