There are about as many different varieties of pest as there are ways of dealing with them. Of course, anything approaching a serious infestation will warrant the enlistment of a professional, but there are a few preventative measures you can take to keep an infestation at bay, and while these methods may still warrant the assistance of a professional, they can eliminate small pest problems, and function as forms of damage limitation in case you’re not currently in a position to solve the problem completely in one fell swoop.

Pest Control Don’ts

One’s desire to solve a pest problem in the quickest, easiest way possible can make people a little desperate, where they’ll often resort to ‘magic’ cures, which may have face value results, but will often do little to combat the source of the problem.

Don’t fall for these pest control measures.

Over-the-counter sprays and pesticides:

Many off-the-shelf pest control products treat the symptom rather than the cause. The use of these kinds of products has been observed to cause something known as ‘budding’ in ants, for example, where worker ants are killed successfully, and fail to return to their colony, so the colony produces more queens, which will eventually produce more colonies.

Similarly, many pesticides will deter pests from a certain area for a limited amount of time. The pests in question will simply move elsewhere, until it is safe to return. In many cases, over-the-counter products can exacerbate a situation and should be avoided.

Using visible pests as an indication of a problem:

Most people only know they have a pest problem when they’ve seen the pest in question, so when it comes to treating the problem, the moment those visible pests disappear, the moment the problem is no longer a problem.

This is not the case. Pests are constantly on the lookout for food, water etc. and are capable of hiding in plain sight. Consistency is the only thing that will break the pest problem cycle.

Pest Control Dos

There are plenty of easy steps you can take to control, or prevent, a pest outbreak in your home. Here are some particularly effective ones.

Hide all sources of food:

Pests, for the most part, are drawn to a particular environment by its sources of nutrition. If you make sure that all food sources are stored securely, and out of reach, the allure of your home to pests is greatly reduced.

Remove moisture:

As with food, many pests seek out sources of water. Identify sources of excess water, such as plumbing systems, air conditioning units, and hot water heaters etc. Take steps to removing this water and humidity where possible.

Seal off entry points:

Pests can’t get into your home unless they have a way in. For many, this includes damage around windows, doors etc. Foam sealant can solve this problem, and use weather stripping around other entry points. Inspect the outside of your home for points of entrance.

Some pests can be controlled with these methods, but other infestations need the expertise of a professional to be nipped in the bud. If you live in the Ontario area and would like a free consultation, then contact Mr Pest Control on 1-888-794-PEST.