How to Attract Insect-Eating Birds

How to Attract Insect-Eating Birds

One way to decrease the number of insects in your yard is to attract birds to your home. Many birds feed on insects, which can be a boon if you regularly deal with unwanted guests like mosquitoes or earwigs. Birdseed will attract birds, and there are other methods to...

When to Hire a Pest Control Company

When people have pest problems, they sometimes think that “do-it-yourself” (DIY) methods will take care of the issue. This can make the problem worse, however. It’s usually best to contact pest control services. Here’s what to consider when hiring a professional team...

Tips for Preventing Rat Infestation

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” – Benjamin Franklin Rats in your home can be far more than simply annoying; they damage walls, wiring, and insulation. Avoid costly repairs by preventing rats and mice from entering your home in the first place....

What You Don’t Know about Pest Control

Getting rid of insects or rodents in a house is a job always best handled by professionals. From small “creepy crawlers” to sizeable animals, home invaders come in different types and sizes. Getting rid of them takes different, specialized approaches. Sometimes,...
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