The Facts about Flea Control

At certain times of the year, many pet owners dread the initial indicators of a flea problem with their pet. There are almost two thousand different species of flea which each have a preferred type of host. The most common of these is the cat flea which prefers to...

The Importance of Wasp Control

Many homeowners often confuse wasps for bumblebees but when you take a closer look, you can see a number of differences. Wasps are venomous flying insects which look similar to a bee but have ant like features. They are part of an insect group called hymenoptera and...

The Year Round Challenge of Rodent Control

Many homeowners are unaware that rodent control is a year round challenge. Unlike some pests which have natural cycles through the year, many species of rodent including rats, squirrels or mice can breed multiple litters during a year. This means that a rodent problem...

Why You May Need Wildlife Removal Services

Whether you live in a rural or urban area, you may be faced with the problem of a wild creature causing a problem in or around your home, and need a wildlife removal service. Wildlife removal services can be used for any nuisance animals. The most common forms include...

Top Tips of Treatment for Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a rusty red color and are approximately one fifth of an inch in size. This makes them roughly the size of a lady bug, so they can be a little difficult to spot. They will happily reside in the creases or folds of linen and mattresses but you can also find...

Expert Raccoon Removal Services

Raccoon removal is one the most commonly sought after pest control services. Increasing urbanization has led to these animals seeking for warm shelters which they now find more in human habitats instead of the outdoors. They can infest residential as well commercial...

How to Remove a Hornet Nest

As the weather continues to get warmer, children and adults alike are spending more time outdoors. The warmer weather also brings out the insects, too. While you are outdoors, you may discover a hornet nest has been built in your yard. It’s important to remove a...

How to Get Rid of Mice

Few things creep out a homeowner like seeing a mouse run across the floor. If you see a mouse, it’s important to act quickly; if you see one, there are usually more mice that you haven’t seen. If you find that mice have moved in to your home, follow these steps to get...
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